There are a few things you must understand when buying this film:
1. The digital downloads don't come with subtitles like the streaming version does. You will need to download the subtitles in the language you desire and then follow the instructions. Get the subtitles and instructions in English, Spanish, French and German HERE.
2. This film is copyrighted and is an intellectual property of TMIM, LLC. As such, once you download the movie you are agreeing to our terms that you may not publish, display or upload it anywhere, including websites or social media platforms of any kind. It is intended only for private viewings. For public viewings you will need a special license which you can acquire HERE. This film is protected by federal law and we will take action against its illegal uploading and publishing.
3. We don't provide customer service or troubleshooting for rentals and downloads of The Monster Inside Me. Thousands of people have successfully watched the film, so if you are having trouble please contact Vimeo directly.
Once you have accepted these terms, please proceed to download the movie in the link below. Simply follow the instructions on the Vimeo platform page:
You have 30 days to view the movie, as many times as you want. You may begin it, pause it, and return to it days later and you will be able to pick up where you left off. If you rent the film and wait more than 30 days to view it, you will need to rent it again.
To stream the film, click on the button below and follow the instructions. They are simple:
1. Click on RENT.
2. A pop up window will ask for you to either login to Vimeo, if you already have an account, or sign up for it. It is FREE, and you will not be able to view the film if you do not have an account.
3. Enter your credit card information, and once it goes through you will see a play button for you to stream immediately.
Vimeo will send you a confirmation email with a link to the streaming page, in case you lose it.